Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First Months IC Hobby Challenge

I am into the first week of the 2nd month of the hobby challenge and I had completed the first month just on time.

I like the way my Skull Champion came out as well.

I haev a little detailing to go really on them but they are table top ready and I can detail the whole army when I am finished it all.

I am under way in the new squad with are 7 Plague marines with 2 plasmaguns. and I will post there pics up when I am done.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

IC Hobby Challenge

Well when your hobby time evaporates into being non existent join a hobby challenge I say. The Independent Characters podcast are running a hobby challenge starting this month June of 2011 and finishing in March of 2012. I have to create a 1850 point army list in my case of Chaos Space Marines and from scratch construct and paint the army with 400 point plus of a side board of mini's to swap in and out or even make the army too 2250 plus.

I had entered my army list and monthly goals but after listening to the last Imperial Vox Cast podcast on army building I am spending some time re-working my list and changing my thinking on army building.

Let's see how I go!

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Thursday, March 17, 2011


We are past over half way through the month of March and it feels like a life time since not only I have not touched any really hobby stuff for two months. It’s going to be at least another 2 or 3 weeks before I hope I will have a few days to use my bits box to build a space marine sergeant and paint him up in I have no idea at this point chapter colours.

When did hobby time become so hard?

I knew that starting study this year would affect my hobby time but I have found in the last month even my distance study has suffered with my hobby time to work, sickness and traveling to see family.

I have five 40k book to read, Grey Knights coming out next month and I am really missing the painting. I have been surviving on playing one mission a day from the Dawn of War 2 campaigns for about 30minutes before I start work.

I wanted to have finish some assault crimson fist by now, I wanted to have worked on my Chaos Space Marine War band as well. Now I have Grey Knights coming and I just feel like screaming..

Who said having a hobby was relaxing!

Friday, January 14, 2011

2011 is upon us

As a new year has started and new years resolutions are made I find that looking into the year ahead and my hobby time it is going to die. I am hoping that they don’t come to a complete stop and I have plans to make a few tweaks to my Crimsons Fist Tournament army but adding some scouts and a few Assaults Marines. My Chaos Space Marines will be going on hold and with the up coming release of Grey Knights in April in October I may see about buy some of there new plastics to make a very elite army over my summer break in studying that is going to take up so much of my time.

Lets see how I go this year!