Thursday, December 28, 2017


I was lucky enough that someone liked my painting and had a few gloomhaven mintiures which I happliy got to paint.

The scoundrel

The mindthief


I worked up the bases with some textured paste trying to make them different and the same at the same time.  I found a painting tutorial on youtube which as awesome so i did a three phased grey blend on the base.

I am looking forward to trying this with a few different colours and shades.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Finished Sons of Horus Contemptor

Not only has it been some time since I have posted the whole issue of photobucket changing its system has left all my previously posted without there original pictures. So with all of this I will go back when I have time...

Now I have finished my first Contemptor and I will show a little of the progress I had before the final.

This was fun to do with the rusting effect althought I am not 100% happy with the main paint colour its only its lack of shading which I will fix the next time I paint Sons of Horus.

But truely for me I am happy with the final outcome.