Well strange things do happen and I have indeed started to paint my AoBR SM Captain. Of course he is going to be my Crimson Fists captain and he puts me one step closer to finishing my 1250 points for MOAB (Mother Of All Battles) before October.
I also have one sergeant to mod into my Librarian by giving him a hood and some scrolls I think. It’s that or see if I have a metal one somewhere in the hoard of figures that I am slowly making my way through. With only 4 months to go firstly I hope that don’t change the army points from 1250 which it has been for the last few years I have been going without playing and secondly that I give myself enough time to finish off the army.
Funny being only four months to go and then I can start on the next 1250 army which I am guessing will either be Orks or Tyrainds. I know I can fielded more Nids than I can Orks but I want to look at some converting of the Orks .
I have some old metal Ogryn’s that I want to try converting one into my Warboss with Eavy Armour, Big Choppa and Twin-lInked shoota . I am debaiting that I would add a chained grot to the Warboss with the thought of using it as an attack Squig but will think about that. I have the AoBR Orks and a small hand full of other orks that I will have to see what I really do have, might look at the second goods at MOAB for more Orkiness.
As always let’s see what happens!
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