Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Where to next...

Now you start to come to the end of one project and already being thinking of what is next. Now I am guessing most gamers are the same in that there is either something always on the back burner or under contemplation. In finishing my 1250 points of Crimson Fist I have multiple paths I can now travel.

* Make up 1250 points of Space Wolfs
* Paint up the miniatures out of Space Hulk
* Finish my Tyrainds which I am guessing I can make at least up to 2500 points in what I have now.
* Rework my Crimson Fist to 1500, 1750 and 2000 points
* Get back to work on my Company of Legion of the Damn of old Metal models.

And the thoughts continue of what could be. Logically since I have challenged two friends to a version of a tail of 3 gamers I will be from October for about 8 months building a 1250 point unmarked Chaos Marine Army for MOAB next year.

Now for anyone that doesn’t know about the ‘a tail of (how many) gamers’ it’s a challenge of starting with the purchase of a Battle Force box set and you have set goals to achieve a progression of your army. In our case we will have a two month block for goal completion instead of a monthly one due to the current Necromunda campaign we are working out and testing at this time.

Now thinking of painting up a Chaos Army, a Space Wolf one and at the same time the figures in Space Hulk maybe a little much for me to complete even in a few months. The only time I really have to paint is 40 minutes to 1 hour before I start work Monday to Friday and if I am lucky a few hours either Friday or Saturday night maybe twice a month. I am still amazed I guess not only the time it took me to work on my Crimson Fist put that had enough time to complete what I needed.

At this time I will start the Chaos Army in October and maybe paint a figure or two a moth of my Space Hulk Figures to break up the retinue.

As always let’s see how I go!

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