It is a question that I have been debating for a few weeks now with the creation of the new army. Ok it is just one of the questions I have been debating but the one that will define what the army looks, feels like and what I can take.
I want to start with a 2000 point list and work it back to 1250 so I can at some point start attending different tournaments covering up to 2000 points. I played around this morning with the thought of two troop choices of 20 Chaos Space Marines and one of 20 Khorne Berserkers and 20 Plague Marines as a base. Ok so this comes goes over 1700 points but the thought of 80 models racing across the board just seems so cool. One day maybe but not today as I have the need for at least two squads of Havocs.
I guess I should share the current thoughts for my CSM.
HQ Choices
* Chaos Lord
* Chaos Sorcerer
Elites Choices
* Terminators
* Possessed
Troops Choices
* Plague Marines
* Khorne Berserkers
* Rhino’s
Fast Choices
* Bikes
* Raptors
Heavy Choices
* Havocs
So no Characters or Daemon Princes to lead my war band and I am not even sure I want to take any Elites in the war band. When it comes to troop choices I like the standard CSM and although I was considering only CSM with Icons in the end I like the idea of the Plague Marines and Berserkers to throw a little difference into the war band or even give the mercenary thought to it.
Fast choices are Bikes and Raptors since I have the bike models and I like the idea of Raptors with Meltaguns. Havocs is a must for me one with two Lascannons and two Heavy Bolters and the other with two Missile Launchers and two Heavy Bolters. I am not sure I have ever heard anything good about Havocs but I am looking at it like I have 4 heavy weapons with the ability to start in a building and it’s a smaller target than a tank.
I know that I have the bases of my army to tie it together and with that starting thought I could indeed make a warband/army that is quiet diverse in armour colour and style and was more a mercenary war band. I also need a symbol or emblem to tie that war band together and something that is not to a god but something like the infinity symbol or the circle snake/dragon swallowing its own tail. Maybe even find my old green stuff made moulds of skull etc to unify the force. Or find something to green stuff to do the job. Even as I write this I am adding new ideas to the war band and since I have given myself 10 months to complete at least 1250 points for a tournament in October of 2011 I have been known to need extra time.
Well that’s all for now as I need to go jot a few things down.
Let’s see how we go!
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