Tuesday, November 27, 2012

1250 Point Nurgle CSM List – Wolf Brothers or Diseased Wolves

I have been playing with a Nurgle list for the fun of it so it’s most likely fluffier than anything else.   It’s based on if the Wolf Brothers which as any wolf player knows was a founding of the space wolves that turned to Nurgle.  It’s still a major work in progress and it’s had a dozen incarnations already and as I play with the list I am amusing there will be a few more incarnations before I am through.

Firstly there is my Nurgle Daemon Prince which after some research with Old Norse words I came up with his name.  I am keeping him kind of basic in a way as I am not taking any Artefacts.  I wanted him like a real wolf ripping and tearing with fang and claw. I am still not sure if I will leave the level 2 mastery level on him yet. The model will be a Daemon Prince and some green stuff but I cannot make my mind up if I will replace the head with a war hound head or the like.

Daemon Prince (Fúinn Valdyr or Rotten Wolf)    245
Daemon of Nurgle          
* Gift of Mutation          
* Power Armour             
* Ichor of Blood               
* Lvl 2 Mastery 

Second is my Sorcerer and again into the Old Norse words for his name.  I have in my head a corrupt rune priest and I will have to work on the conception of this model and I am not too sure I know how he is going to look. 

Sorcerer (Svartr Bani or Black Death)       150
* Mark of Nurgle             
* Gift of Mutation          
* Spell Familiar 
* Sigil of Corruption       
* Lvl 2 mastery 
With the troops I am going for the standard of Plague Marines. I am still considering losing the power fist in the first squad and adding the power weapon/melta bomb to the three squads. 

Plague Marines (7)          213
2x Meltaguns    
* Power Fist      
Plague Marines (7)         
2x Plasmaguns  218
* Power Weapon            
* Meltabomb   
Plague Marines (7)         
2x Flamers          193
* Power Weapon            
For the Elites I am still majorly up in the air with as I am not sure possessed is what will work for me. I was thinking of just getting some cheap rat ogres, ripping the heads off of some old plastic wolfs I got second hand and converting up a hell of a lot of Chaos Spawns.

Possessed (7)    230
Mark of Nurgle (7)          
* 2x Gifts of Mutation   

I will keep working on this and see how its changes.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Well as the Hobby goes I seem to have as always hit a wall that slows me down.  Put it down to the long hours I have every day for traveling to and from work and my weekends are generally family time which there is no way I am going to stop that.  

I am currently trying to get some miniatures cleaned up at work which has worked in the past and I am hoping will again.  I have even painted before at work and I am going to try to do that again at some point.

I am slowly working on my Blood Angel force which is below and I will post some pictures hopefully after the coming weekend although I am traveling a bit to see family so will see what happens.

Progress so far:

  • ·         Terminator Squad and Sanguinary Priest to go with it are together and based.

  • ·         Assault Squad with heads left off as they will be yellow (expect the sergeant which I forgot to do and it is bugging me) and they are based.

  • ·         Librarian is together, based and the head left off.

  • ·         Captain is converted, in a cork and undercoated white (most likely will re-undercoat red).

  • ·         Tactical Squad Sergeant is together and based.

This leaves me to finish off the Tactical Squad and put together the Death Company Squad, Death Company Dreadnought and a Devastator Squad. 

Really not too much but let’s see how long it takes.