Sunday, November 4, 2012


Well as the Hobby goes I seem to have as always hit a wall that slows me down.  Put it down to the long hours I have every day for traveling to and from work and my weekends are generally family time which there is no way I am going to stop that.  

I am currently trying to get some miniatures cleaned up at work which has worked in the past and I am hoping will again.  I have even painted before at work and I am going to try to do that again at some point.

I am slowly working on my Blood Angel force which is below and I will post some pictures hopefully after the coming weekend although I am traveling a bit to see family so will see what happens.

Progress so far:

  • ·         Terminator Squad and Sanguinary Priest to go with it are together and based.

  • ·         Assault Squad with heads left off as they will be yellow (expect the sergeant which I forgot to do and it is bugging me) and they are based.

  • ·         Librarian is together, based and the head left off.

  • ·         Captain is converted, in a cork and undercoated white (most likely will re-undercoat red).

  • ·         Tactical Squad Sergeant is together and based.

This leaves me to finish off the Tactical Squad and put together the Death Company Squad, Death Company Dreadnought and a Devastator Squad. 

Really not too much but let’s see how long it takes.

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