Thursday, December 20, 2012

5 Days before Christmas

Well Christmas is almost upon us and I am hoping that I will get hobby time.  I have been trying to get the time to clean up, glue together and base the 1500 points of Blood Angels I am creating for my son’s 5th Birthday in February. This might seem a long time away but with work being a hi-stress undertaking at the moment, the new addition to the family at 5 months now and I am going back to study in about a month and a half I may well be cutting it fine.

All in all I think I have done well so far with the Death Company, Terminator’s, Devastator’s  ready to undercoat, the assault squad needing helmets and there jump packs just cleaned up a little, my Librarian and captain ready to go and my Tactical squad and Death Company Dreadnought hopefully finished in the next few days.

One this is all done then I have the Army Painter red primer to base coat the models and once I have added some extra base colours then secret weapon miniatures soft body wash to lay down.

I want to try a few new painting tips with these models as I have been watching Awesome Paint Job and Girl Painting on YouTube.  I wish I had an air compressor and air brush but that will come hopefully in about 6 to 8 months.

I am hoping to have some new pictures posted in a week or so.. Lets see if Christmas miracles happen!

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