Sunday, November 9, 2014

Back into Metal

I know I am slack when it comes to posting and I have been hard at work on Grey Knights as allies for for IC Hobby Challenge this year. I have caught the Grey Knight bug for at least the foot troops and I found some nice second hand metal Knights for $20AU and now its time to paint them. I got carried away and undercoated them before I converted up some backpacks for them.

I am going to make a massive effort to make sure I at least follow these guys painting and basing.

Fingers Crossed!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

End of the Month Update

October is about to end and with this I am heading into the last month of The Independent Characters Hobby Challenge for 2014.  I am about 90% finished on my last squad of Grey Knight allies which is my interceptor squad. These guys are coming along nicely and I am also almost finished my second Grey Knight with twin linked autocannons and about 40% into a Grey Knight Champion.

I realised that really for a 1500 point Grey Knight army on foot I only need to complete a 5 man strike squad, a 5 man heavy weapons squad which I still haven't decided what they will be carrying and a 3 man paladin squad for the fun of it.. I am going to try to get these done before December which will be a nice personal challenge for myself.

I will post up some pictures soon.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Grey Knights on the move

I have been working on my Grey Knights as allies for my Crimson Fist for the IC Hobby Challenge. As of my last post which showed my Librarian I have completed one Dreadnaught, Techmarine and Terminator squad and I am currently working on a 6 man interceptor squad.

I am really loving the look of these guys and although I only have the interceptor squad to go to complete the challenge I will attempt to complete at least the foot element of this army before christmas.

I have completed my first/test interceptor.
I know I said it before but its so true I am really loving the look of these guys.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Wet Palette

I have been working away at the IC hobby Challenge and I now have my Grey Knight Librarian finished.

I have really enjoyed painting this guy and I have even enjoyed it more because I have finally gotten around to trying a wet palette and I do not know how I have gotten along without one for so long.

I have a mate that make me up one what must have been well over a year ago and it is one of the best gifts I have ever been given.

It is so simple in design and as you can see from the picture above it is a great travel palette too.

Its a nice case with two sponges and some baking paper on top and for all that don't know you just wet the sponges and top it off with the paper that you use like a normal palette but your paint doesn't dry out like a normal palette in fact when I took the picture I have paint in for only 18hrs and it was still workable..

Wet Palette you rock...

Monday, July 28, 2014

A Little Side Track

I have as you would of read been undertaking The IC Challenge and enjoying for 2014.  The first half of the challenge was to complete a 1000 point Zone Mortails force which got me thinking.  Like some gamer, not all, I am a hoarder by nature and I love to collect bits and piece. I have a few miniatures of most of the 40k armies and I have been thinking about looking at allied forces but now I am thinking Zone Mortails might be the way to go...

Now I was thinking of starting with Battle Sisters as I new I had about 20 or so and a Penitent Engine so I started going through all my boxes and little stashes and so far I am at the below list.

Battle Sisters
1x Saint Celestine
2x Canonesses
1x Hospitaller
25x Battle Sisters with Bolters
3x Battle Sisters with Flamers
3x Battle Sisters with Storm Bolters
1x Battle Sister with Heavy Flamer
1x Battle Sister with Meltagun
1x Seraphim Sister Superior with Bolt Pistol and Chainsword
1x Seraphim Sister Superior with Bolt Pistol and Power Sword
3x Seraphim with double bolt Pistol
1 Seraphim with double hand flamer
2x Penitent Engines
Most of an Immolator

Ok so I had a little more than I thought which was funny as I kept looking for other things and kept finding one or two sisters in odd places.  I am missing a few backpacks and the top of the Rhino for the Immolator but I am thinking this isnt a bad start.  

I just had to share as sometimes you really dont know what you have until you look....

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Everything is slowly coming together...

My hobby time has been short of late but I am still finding time to continue my work for the hobby challenge I am currently undertaking. It most likely helps that after building and painting up two tactical squads for my Crimson Fist army that I am heading into some Grey Knight allies which at around 800 points worth is a Librarian, terminator squad and two dreadnoughts that will be the next 4 months of official painting.

My Libby is coming alone well so far.
He is the only Fine cast mini I currently own and was bought a few years ago which may explain the few little bubbles that were in him.  I replace his right arm with one from the Grey Knight terminator box and added the storm bolter from there as well.  It didn't seem right to paint him up as a Grey Knight and now have the wrist mounted storm bolter.

After the undercoat I painted him up with Boltgun Metal which had flow aid added to it. I then did a double wash of Secret Weapon blue/black which I really liked. I then dry brushed Boltgun Metal over the mini and they a real dry dry brush of Mithrial Silver.
My standard gold was used and the scrolls and paper are Model Air light brown with a dark sepia wash. I had done the purity seals red the start with but with the red robe the green looks much better.

I have base coated the sword black but I am up in the air if I should be a blue or purple lightning effect on it. I am leaning more for the purple but that blue is nagging me...
I still have a lot of work on him as I need to do some layering and the stone on the left shoulder.  I am also going to base him as I base my Crimson Fist as they are going to be allies but it wasn't quiet what I wanted so I might have to incorporate some daemony bits as well.

All in all I am happy with the Librarian so far..

Will post more as he gets some more work done on him.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

A change in the Wind!

It has been a hobby life time since I have last posted here and I need to get back into the habbit of it.  Since the last time I posted a great deal has happen as I joined The Independent Charaters Hobby Challenge for 2014 and added another 1000 points to my Crimson Fist with a Zone Mortails force.
There was a little stumble at the start of the challenge but by the end of June I had all my force complete. I have another 1000 points to go with the challenge which for this month of July I completed a Terminator Captain.
Now all I have to do is about 800 points of Grey Knight allies to complete the challenge and also to finally get around to painting at least some of my Grey Knights I have had sitting around for more years that I can rememeber.

My other current major project if a Wolf Daemon Prince of Nurgle which is on current hold until I can get some hobby time with a mate to use his tentacle maker.
I am liking the look of him so far and now considering making him the head of a Zone Mortails force.

As I seem to be back in the swing of hobby time I will keep this blog posted with all my hobby goodness.