Sunday, July 6, 2014

A change in the Wind!

It has been a hobby life time since I have last posted here and I need to get back into the habbit of it.  Since the last time I posted a great deal has happen as I joined The Independent Charaters Hobby Challenge for 2014 and added another 1000 points to my Crimson Fist with a Zone Mortails force.
There was a little stumble at the start of the challenge but by the end of June I had all my force complete. I have another 1000 points to go with the challenge which for this month of July I completed a Terminator Captain.
Now all I have to do is about 800 points of Grey Knight allies to complete the challenge and also to finally get around to painting at least some of my Grey Knights I have had sitting around for more years that I can rememeber.

My other current major project if a Wolf Daemon Prince of Nurgle which is on current hold until I can get some hobby time with a mate to use his tentacle maker.
I am liking the look of him so far and now considering making him the head of a Zone Mortails force.

As I seem to be back in the swing of hobby time I will keep this blog posted with all my hobby goodness.

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