Saturday, August 22, 2009

MOAB is coming

Yep been a while since I posted but that comes down to moving house, littleman getting older and my travel time to and from work becoming somewhat longer and the most important one I have been slack.

MOAB is coming soon and I am going to take both the painting classes that are being held by the guys from ozpainters. Since the year Victoria Lamb was there and I spent a great deal of time talking to her (yes feel sorry for her), I have checked out the painting comp and checked the ozpainters site as well as the cool mini or not site.

I have painted a few bits and pieces I am happy with and if I find it will post a pic of the Grey Knight Termie that i painted red after seeing Victoria's entry for the Gold Demon that year.

Hoping to sort through some gaming stuff and hopefully havent stored to much at mum and dad's.

More soon!!!!! I hope!!!!!