Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hopefully Back in the Saddle

I have been playing around with a blog post for about 2 weeks now and it’s about time I just did it. It has been far too long since I have and I really do need to make a habit of posting at least once and week even if it’s just an update on how much I am not getting done.

 Firstly 6th Ed 40k has been out for a while now and I am with some luck picking up my Dark Vengeance box set in 12 days at MOAB 2012 from the Combat Company. The funniest thing about that is my 4 year old took one look at the pictures of what’s in the new starters box set and looking at the Chaos cultist said “Dad I want them for my Necromunda gang”. Now as a dad and a gamer I beamed with joy that my son is thinking ahead but there is part of me which goes damn I wanted them.. lol..

I am also picking up a Blood Angel Codex, Blood Angel Battle Force and a box of Sanguinary Guard to create a 1250 point force for my 4 year old (that’s my excuse anyway). I already had the Terminators and the Furioso Dreadnought that I want to use. I converted up a AoBR Captain as well for this one to see  how it would look.

1240 Points Blood Angels

Captain - 130 * Plasma Pistol & Power Sword

Terminator Squad (5) - 320
* Cyclone Missile Launcher
* 1x Chain fist
Sanguinary Priest w Terminator Armour

Assault Squad (5) - 140
*Flamer Sergeant
* Combat Shield & Hand Flamer & Power Weapon

Assault Squad (5) - 240
*Plasma Pistol
* Combat Shield & Plasma Pistol & Power Weapon
Sanguinary Priest w Jump Pack
 * Plasma Pistol

Tactical Squad (10) - 270
*Plasma gun
*Heavy Plasma Sergeant
* 2x Plasma Pistols
Sanguinary Priest
* Combi

Furioso Dreadnought - 140
*Blood Talons
*Magna Grapple

I have been debating with myself over the 3 Sanguinary Priests at their cost and the change to Feel No Pain in 6th Ed. Also not having my own copy of the new rules I might make some changes yet after I read through the rules but I think at least this should be fun to play. I will post up some pictures on my workshop blog as I start creating this army.

Other than that until next time.