Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The lost month

Well around a month on from my last post and my painting has gone out the window. But I have gotten in one game of 40k at 750 points of orks against my crimson fist. There was also some games of necromunda which my game group have discided that all games will invole zombies. I will post more about that later in more detail.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A change in Plans

Well with a complete re-write of my 1250 army list to cover what I have no so much what I would like I have come to the conclusion that the army I am working on now is more than likely better than the first. The first run was an army based on drop pods and closing the distance to the enemy ASAP.

The Army as it stands now is more of a standoff and blast the enemy with long range firepower. I already have the two tactical squads painted up to as least a playable standard and a razorback undercoated. There are two Dreadnaughts almost complete and Predator to build and then lastly the devastator squad to build and paint. This being the month of May and the IVC painting challenge being a HQ choice I am going to painted up the Captain from AoBR and mod up a Librarian from another figure.

Lets see how I go!