Thursday, December 20, 2012

5 Days before Christmas

Well Christmas is almost upon us and I am hoping that I will get hobby time.  I have been trying to get the time to clean up, glue together and base the 1500 points of Blood Angels I am creating for my son’s 5th Birthday in February. This might seem a long time away but with work being a hi-stress undertaking at the moment, the new addition to the family at 5 months now and I am going back to study in about a month and a half I may well be cutting it fine.

All in all I think I have done well so far with the Death Company, Terminator’s, Devastator’s  ready to undercoat, the assault squad needing helmets and there jump packs just cleaned up a little, my Librarian and captain ready to go and my Tactical squad and Death Company Dreadnought hopefully finished in the next few days.

One this is all done then I have the Army Painter red primer to base coat the models and once I have added some extra base colours then secret weapon miniatures soft body wash to lay down.

I want to try a few new painting tips with these models as I have been watching Awesome Paint Job and Girl Painting on YouTube.  I wish I had an air compressor and air brush but that will come hopefully in about 6 to 8 months.

I am hoping to have some new pictures posted in a week or so.. Lets see if Christmas miracles happen!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

1250 Point Nurgle CSM List – Wolf Brothers or Diseased Wolves

I have been playing with a Nurgle list for the fun of it so it’s most likely fluffier than anything else.   It’s based on if the Wolf Brothers which as any wolf player knows was a founding of the space wolves that turned to Nurgle.  It’s still a major work in progress and it’s had a dozen incarnations already and as I play with the list I am amusing there will be a few more incarnations before I am through.

Firstly there is my Nurgle Daemon Prince which after some research with Old Norse words I came up with his name.  I am keeping him kind of basic in a way as I am not taking any Artefacts.  I wanted him like a real wolf ripping and tearing with fang and claw. I am still not sure if I will leave the level 2 mastery level on him yet. The model will be a Daemon Prince and some green stuff but I cannot make my mind up if I will replace the head with a war hound head or the like.

Daemon Prince (Fúinn Valdyr or Rotten Wolf)    245
Daemon of Nurgle          
* Gift of Mutation          
* Power Armour             
* Ichor of Blood               
* Lvl 2 Mastery 

Second is my Sorcerer and again into the Old Norse words for his name.  I have in my head a corrupt rune priest and I will have to work on the conception of this model and I am not too sure I know how he is going to look. 

Sorcerer (Svartr Bani or Black Death)       150
* Mark of Nurgle             
* Gift of Mutation          
* Spell Familiar 
* Sigil of Corruption       
* Lvl 2 mastery 
With the troops I am going for the standard of Plague Marines. I am still considering losing the power fist in the first squad and adding the power weapon/melta bomb to the three squads. 

Plague Marines (7)          213
2x Meltaguns    
* Power Fist      
Plague Marines (7)         
2x Plasmaguns  218
* Power Weapon            
* Meltabomb   
Plague Marines (7)         
2x Flamers          193
* Power Weapon            
For the Elites I am still majorly up in the air with as I am not sure possessed is what will work for me. I was thinking of just getting some cheap rat ogres, ripping the heads off of some old plastic wolfs I got second hand and converting up a hell of a lot of Chaos Spawns.

Possessed (7)    230
Mark of Nurgle (7)          
* 2x Gifts of Mutation   

I will keep working on this and see how its changes.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Well as the Hobby goes I seem to have as always hit a wall that slows me down.  Put it down to the long hours I have every day for traveling to and from work and my weekends are generally family time which there is no way I am going to stop that.  

I am currently trying to get some miniatures cleaned up at work which has worked in the past and I am hoping will again.  I have even painted before at work and I am going to try to do that again at some point.

I am slowly working on my Blood Angel force which is below and I will post some pictures hopefully after the coming weekend although I am traveling a bit to see family so will see what happens.

Progress so far:

  • ·         Terminator Squad and Sanguinary Priest to go with it are together and based.

  • ·         Assault Squad with heads left off as they will be yellow (expect the sergeant which I forgot to do and it is bugging me) and they are based.

  • ·         Librarian is together, based and the head left off.

  • ·         Captain is converted, in a cork and undercoated white (most likely will re-undercoat red).

  • ·         Tactical Squad Sergeant is together and based.

This leaves me to finish off the Tactical Squad and put together the Death Company Squad, Death Company Dreadnought and a Devastator Squad. 

Really not too much but let’s see how long it takes.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The New List

I have been reading the new 6th Ed rules and the Blood Angel Codex and I have made changes with my list.
Captain - 130
* Plasma Pistol & Power Sword

Librarian - 140
* Plasma Pistol, Force Sword & Jump Pack

Sanguinary Priest w Terminator Armour - 320
Terminator Squad (5)
* Cyclone Missile Launcher
1x Chain fist
* Power Maul

Assault Squad (6) - 153
* Flamer
* Hand Flamer & Lightning Claw

Death Company (6) - 225
*Infernus Pistols
5x Bolters
6x Jump Packs

Sanguinary Priest - 260
Tactical Squad (10)
* Plasma gun
* Heavy Plasma
* 2x Plasma Pistols

Death Company Dreadnought – 140
* Blood Talons & Magna Gapple

Devastator Squad (5) - 130
4x Missile Launcher

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hopefully Back in the Saddle

I have been playing around with a blog post for about 2 weeks now and it’s about time I just did it. It has been far too long since I have and I really do need to make a habit of posting at least once and week even if it’s just an update on how much I am not getting done.

 Firstly 6th Ed 40k has been out for a while now and I am with some luck picking up my Dark Vengeance box set in 12 days at MOAB 2012 from the Combat Company. The funniest thing about that is my 4 year old took one look at the pictures of what’s in the new starters box set and looking at the Chaos cultist said “Dad I want them for my Necromunda gang”. Now as a dad and a gamer I beamed with joy that my son is thinking ahead but there is part of me which goes damn I wanted them.. lol..

I am also picking up a Blood Angel Codex, Blood Angel Battle Force and a box of Sanguinary Guard to create a 1250 point force for my 4 year old (that’s my excuse anyway). I already had the Terminators and the Furioso Dreadnought that I want to use. I converted up a AoBR Captain as well for this one to see  how it would look.

1240 Points Blood Angels

Captain - 130 * Plasma Pistol & Power Sword

Terminator Squad (5) - 320
* Cyclone Missile Launcher
* 1x Chain fist
Sanguinary Priest w Terminator Armour

Assault Squad (5) - 140
*Flamer Sergeant
* Combat Shield & Hand Flamer & Power Weapon

Assault Squad (5) - 240
*Plasma Pistol
* Combat Shield & Plasma Pistol & Power Weapon
Sanguinary Priest w Jump Pack
 * Plasma Pistol

Tactical Squad (10) - 270
*Plasma gun
*Heavy Plasma Sergeant
* 2x Plasma Pistols
Sanguinary Priest
* Combi

Furioso Dreadnought - 140
*Blood Talons
*Magna Grapple

I have been debating with myself over the 3 Sanguinary Priests at their cost and the change to Feel No Pain in 6th Ed. Also not having my own copy of the new rules I might make some changes yet after I read through the rules but I think at least this should be fun to play. I will post up some pictures on my workshop blog as I start creating this army.

Other than that until next time.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

1850 CMS Complete

The realisation that it has been far to long since I have posted up on this blog as I had started again on the workshop one. I have completed my 1850 point Chaos Space Marine force with just over 500 point in side board which took me 10 months of the Independent Characters hobby challenge.
I think my two Plague Marine squads where the most fun to paint along with the Plague Dreadnaught.
My Winged Lord and his raptors where are try in Green stuff converting and although not the best job it was good for my first try. Will post more soon.