Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Break

Just over a week of time where there is no work just family time and I am hoping a far amount of hobby time. Now all I have to do is decide what I want to do and thinking on it I have a few choices for the week.

1. Building Scenery – I have already gotten some MDF and cut it into 12 inch squares as well as collected a fair amount bits and piece of interesting bottle, cans etc. I have also a big box of 10 imperial ruins that I can use as well.

2. Space Hulk – I haven’t done much with Space Hulk since I bought the latest version but I need to trim, clean up the figures and paint them up. I want to do each Terminator individually as there would be some variations with the sacred armour.
3. Kill Team – I have been working in a sporadic fashion on my own chapter and I would like to build and paint up at least a Sternguard Sergeant and possibility his team as a kill team for Killzone.

4. Chaos Space Marines – I have completed about 70 to 75% of my Slannesh Chaos Lord and about 20% of a 10 man CSM squad with Slannesh Icon. I really do need to work on the bases for them as I haven’t been about to decide what colours to make them. And I need to go over the plans I have for them and what I currently have without buying anything new.

So many choices and all of it I would love to do.

Well Merry Christmas to all and let’s see how I go!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tired and Burnt Out!

I have started this posting so many times I have lost count. I feel that currently I am walking through a mine field of distractions that keep me from not only posting but the hobby as well. I know that finding time sometimes is just setting time and sticking to it. Maybe it is that I feel a little lost in the hobby at the moment as I am starting a new army. Maybe it’s just the Christmas blues or the feel of the strain of being the only income earner for the family.

Tired and burnt out and yet the amber light of thoughts for the hobby still does burn. The thoughts of where my new army of Chaos Marines will go and how I want to build it not knowing really where it will end up. I even have the next army after my Chaos Marines planning in the back of my head and I think about a Space Marine Company for a created chapter The Knights of the Emperor.

Arrr.. A quick post as I have to go back to work.

Lets see how I do!

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Future

Another day at work and another day where the hobby seems so far away, this seems so much the recurring theme of my life.

My son turns 3 in February next year and I keep asking myself what age do I introduce him to the hobby to see if it’s going to be an interest of his. But i know that he already has been as even now he has an interest in my figures and dice to the point where I had to teach him to roll dice not lob them across the room. He currently now I think about it has his own dice, a hand full of Space Wolves and a tape. I will admit I am a mix of hope and horror when you ask him what army he wants and all he says is he wants Brums. Brums, the little man wants an army of Armour to the point I wonder firstly does this mean a Mech IG, Eldar or even Space Marine army and how much is it going to cost his old dad. Well I am guessing time will tell, his English will improve and the whole truth will come out.

Maybe it’s the hope that with my son wanting to hobby with his dad I will get more time for what I love to do and the fun part of getting more games in as well. Maybe it’s a deep hope that as my son gets older he will find me at least interesting and want to spend the time with me he does now. Parenthood changes you in so many ways.

Let’s see how we go!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

To foot slog or not to foot slog that is the question!

It is a question that I have been debating for a few weeks now with the creation of the new army. Ok it is just one of the questions I have been debating but the one that will define what the army looks, feels like and what I can take.

I want to start with a 2000 point list and work it back to 1250 so I can at some point start attending different tournaments covering up to 2000 points. I played around this morning with the thought of two troop choices of 20 Chaos Space Marines and one of 20 Khorne Berserkers and 20 Plague Marines as a base. Ok so this comes goes over 1700 points but the thought of 80 models racing across the board just seems so cool. One day maybe but not today as I have the need for at least two squads of Havocs.

I guess I should share the current thoughts for my CSM.

HQ Choices
* Chaos Lord
* Chaos Sorcerer

Elites Choices
* Terminators
* Possessed

Troops Choices
* Plague Marines
* Khorne Berserkers
* Rhino’s

Fast Choices
* Bikes
* Raptors

Heavy Choices
* Havocs

So no Characters or Daemon Princes to lead my war band and I am not even sure I want to take any Elites in the war band. When it comes to troop choices I like the standard CSM and although I was considering only CSM with Icons in the end I like the idea of the Plague Marines and Berserkers to throw a little difference into the war band or even give the mercenary thought to it.

Fast choices are Bikes and Raptors since I have the bike models and I like the idea of Raptors with Meltaguns. Havocs is a must for me one with two Lascannons and two Heavy Bolters and the other with two Missile Launchers and two Heavy Bolters. I am not sure I have ever heard anything good about Havocs but I am looking at it like I have 4 heavy weapons with the ability to start in a building and it’s a smaller target than a tank.

I know that I have the bases of my army to tie it together and with that starting thought I could indeed make a warband/army that is quiet diverse in armour colour and style and was more a mercenary war band. I also need a symbol or emblem to tie that war band together and something that is not to a god but something like the infinity symbol or the circle snake/dragon swallowing its own tail. Maybe even find my old green stuff made moulds of skull etc to unify the force. Or find something to green stuff to do the job. Even as I write this I am adding new ideas to the war band and since I have given myself 10 months to complete at least 1250 points for a tournament in October of 2011 I have been known to need extra time.

Well that’s all for now as I need to go jot a few things down.

Let’s see how we go!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

MOAB 2010 Rocked!

Well with MOAB having taken place the first weekend in October I had a great time with my Space Marines. I came 31st out of 44 players and for my first tournament I am happy with that. The only thing I have to remember if I need more troops and bigger squads for MOAB 2011 than I had for this year. Although I played mostly with two tactical squads broken down into combat squads giving me 4 scoring units due to their squad size of 5 they where to easy to destroy which lost me a lot of games.

I had a blast though over the whole three days and meet some of the best guys and girls that I have ever played any game with. I still find it funny that the best game for me the whole weekend was against a guy named Jimmy who had a Blood Angel army that was a total jump pack army. It was my last game of the first day and I don’t think I will ever get tabled again and have that much fun Jimmy was an amazing guy and we didn’t stop joking around the whole time.

Well it’s time to move to the workshop blog to start with the new army.

Monday, September 27, 2010

A New Army

The ending of one army comes the beginning of the new. With my 1250 points of Crimson Fists completed, my objective markers done and my first tournament in 4 days I turn already to the next (will post some pictures and a rundown of the tournament when I can).

I am 4 days out from getting a Battle Force box for Chaos Space Marines and I am already re-modifying my 1250 list I created for the army. I have spent some time just skimming through some sites and I came to the thought that in taking an unmarked army with only standard Chaos Space Marines as I was originally considering might be a good idea but I want to have the fun of not only having a variety of troops but also a lot of different colours and there was also the fact of lack of cash for what I wanted to do.

I am thinking now of two squads of Chaos Space Marines painted up as Warriors of Mayhem. A squad of Plague Marines painted up as The Reborn. A squad of Berserkers I am still undecided on as well as a squad of bikes and my Lord. Going to check my points today and see about either adding a sorcerer depending on the points I have left in a 1250 size force.

With this new army comes the chance not only to paint and convert with Chaos but I also with the challenge of two mates to our own tale of 3 gamers the chance to face the Tau and most likely the Nercon’s in a narrative campaign which is something new.
I have also created a second blog as my workshop to chronicle the journey of the tale of 3 gamers and keep track of other projects.

Let’s see how we go!

Monday, September 6, 2010

A Few Pictures

Just thought I would post a few pictures I have taken of late of my Crimson Fists.

The 1250 Point Army!

A good picture of my almost completed Captain!

My first tactical squad that I use as my Captains Command Squad!

My second tactical squads Serge!

My Librarian that travels with my second tactical squad!

When my second tactical squad brakes down into combat squads then this brother leads the second combat squad!

As you can see my army is coming along faster than when it started. MOAB is less than a month away and I still have to detail a little, decal alot and make up my objective markers.

Lets see how I go!

Orks Vs Crimson Fists

Well you learn when you play against Orks that firstly damn they move fast even on foot and secondly they don’t call it the green tide for nothing. I played my 1250 points of Crimson Fists against 1250 of Orks and with two games done it was a fun outcome.

The first game I was tabled by the Orks by turn 5. Even though it was an objective mission my opponent had only one goal in mind and that was my total removal from the table which he completed with style and finesse. My biggest mistake in the first game was I deployed to far forward which cost me a round of shooting. I also realised that my current force is set up more for facing a mechanised army than a foot slogging one.

Turn One.
The Orks went first and it was myself missing a lot of shots and the Orks forgoing shooting to run.

Turn Two.
Second turn saw myself having to forgo shooting for a large chunk of my army as the green tide meet me in close combat after a walk, a waaagh and a charge. What was fun to watch was the Ork rockets slam into my command razorback and destroy it forcing my combat squad being lead by my captain to disembark.

Turn Three.
This turn saw the looted wagon with the 10 Tank Bustas with 3 Bomb Squigs disembark on the right flank and charge a combat squad being lead by my Librarian. My Combat Squad with Captain being charge by the Shooter boys squad and my Assault Cannon Dreadnought step in front of War Lord Ghazghkull Thraka to take the charge.

Turn Four & Five
All Hell broke loose as the War Lord Ghazghkull Thraka destroyed my Dreadnought and ripped through my remaining armour. The Shooter Boys ripped apart my Captains Combat Squad and my Captain was finished off with a blow from the Nobs Power Klaw. My Librarian’s Combat squad took some heavy causalities but managed to drive off the Tank Busta’s only to be hit and destroyed by a Mob of Slugga Boys.

All in all it was a great game that saw my Crimson Fist being totally tabled by the Orks.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Where to next...

Now you start to come to the end of one project and already being thinking of what is next. Now I am guessing most gamers are the same in that there is either something always on the back burner or under contemplation. In finishing my 1250 points of Crimson Fist I have multiple paths I can now travel.

* Make up 1250 points of Space Wolfs
* Paint up the miniatures out of Space Hulk
* Finish my Tyrainds which I am guessing I can make at least up to 2500 points in what I have now.
* Rework my Crimson Fist to 1500, 1750 and 2000 points
* Get back to work on my Company of Legion of the Damn of old Metal models.

And the thoughts continue of what could be. Logically since I have challenged two friends to a version of a tail of 3 gamers I will be from October for about 8 months building a 1250 point unmarked Chaos Marine Army for MOAB next year.

Now for anyone that doesn’t know about the ‘a tail of (how many) gamers’ it’s a challenge of starting with the purchase of a Battle Force box set and you have set goals to achieve a progression of your army. In our case we will have a two month block for goal completion instead of a monthly one due to the current Necromunda campaign we are working out and testing at this time.

Now thinking of painting up a Chaos Army, a Space Wolf one and at the same time the figures in Space Hulk maybe a little much for me to complete even in a few months. The only time I really have to paint is 40 minutes to 1 hour before I start work Monday to Friday and if I am lucky a few hours either Friday or Saturday night maybe twice a month. I am still amazed I guess not only the time it took me to work on my Crimson Fist put that had enough time to complete what I needed.

At this time I will start the Chaos Army in October and maybe paint a figure or two a moth of my Space Hulk Figures to break up the retinue.

As always let’s see how I go!

Nearing the End?

After so long at work on my Crimson Fist I find I finally feel like I am starting to get near the end of their completion or at least the 1250 points work I am going to be taking to MOAB. Apart from the decals my Devastators are complete as well as my Librarian and one of my Tactical Squads. My Razorback only needs some touch ups and a little black ink and my second tactical squad is a little detailing and then like my razorback added to the decal pile.

This leaves finishing up my captain which I am still unsure on how to paint his relic blade. I am seriously considering leaving the blade black and giving it a coat of gloss vanish. But on the whole his is finished other than the blade and a little detailing.

This leaves only my predator which only the hull has been put together that has to be at least fully together and undercoated by this weekend since I am playing some practice games with the army on the 27th of August.

Going to see about grabbing a few pictures of at least one of the practice games and try writing up a battle report as although I am not a literary person you have to start somewhere.

Let’s see how I go!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dreadnaught One

Well I have almost completed the first of two Dreadnaughts this one as you can see have the misile launcher and the twin linked autocannon. I am hoping it works as my light armour popper and heavy infantry killer. At some point I would like to get a left side twin linked autocannon to replace the missile launcher for a little fun.

Monday, August 2, 2010

AoBR Captain

Well I talked about him in one of last months post and here his is around 85 to 90% complete. My Crimson Fist Captain I have sent a little time on although I am still not happy with his relic blade which I will repaint in time if I can find a look I like.

His Base is cork like the rest of my Crimson Fist with the difference that instead of using a cork place mat I used a cork from a bottle to get a little extra hieght out of him. Now I know that line of sight is a big thing in 5th Ed of 40k but you just cant pass what looks cool..

although he is table playable he isnt there for me yet. In fact I find i like the figure so much I am going to see if I can pick another one or two up at the second hand goods at MOAB this year to paint it up in different chapter colours.

Lets see how I go!

Crimson Fist Librarian

A man of many parts is my Crimson Fist Librarian. He was made with the following parts

- Space Marine Legs
- Black Templar Torso
- Dark Angel Head
- Veteran Marine Left Arm
- Brother Captain Stern's Right Arm
- Cyphers Back Pack
- Terminator Honour's Badge

He is still unfinished but for my own self goals I am working :)

I have some more to post of semi completed figures of my Crimson Fist.

Lets see how I go!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Goals

Time is an illusion or at least most of the time it seems to be. Balancing the hobby with family is something I do not do well as the family always wins. Don’t get me wrong I do not have an issue with this since at the moment my son being 2 and a half loves spending time with me and I really don’t get enough time as it is with the wife.

I have decided to set myself a few goals over the next two months leading up to MOAB in October.

1. Finish my 1250 points of Crimson Fists (kind of important to play in the tournament).
2. Get foam for modifying carrying case.
3. Get the money together to pay for it all.
4. Post on this blog more regularly.

Let’s see how it goes!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A good July

Well this month is going quiet well to my painting. I have starting taking a small box to work with paints, brushes and my figures. I have almost finished repainting a Dreadnaught to Crimson Fist colours and I am about 70% finished painting up my Crimson Fist AoBR Captain. With I think it’s less than 3 months to MOAB for it may be cutting it fine to have my 1250 point force finished by then.

At worse I have a Razorback to finished painting, a predator to put together and paint, a 5 man squad of devastators to also put together and paint along with a Librarian. Now that leaves only my two Dreadnaughts to get to at least my tabletop standard and my Captain since my two squads of tactical marines are although not completely finished ready to go if needed.

Let’s see what happens!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New HQ

While working on my Crimson Fist Captain from AoBR I started thinking about the other HQ choice for my army. I want that to be a Librarian and after reading the Thousand Sons heresy book I had an idea from the cover art to make a gem on the breast plate. I knew the breast plate that I wanted and started looking though my bits collection to find it. I always find this a bad idea since while looking at what I had (which is always like finding something new since I never remember what I have) I changed my mind completely.

Now I will at some point I will do the gem idea even for the fun of it and when I do I will post it up here. Now after a few years of gaming you collect a few things so I will list the parts I am going to use for my Librarian.

- Dark Angel hooded head with face
- Black Templar body with cross removed from the belt and Terminator Honours glue in its place.
- Grey Knight Captain Stern’s Sword
- Metal arm from veteran sergeant with bolt pistol and green stuff skull on the shoulder guard
- Legs, tabards and bits

I think that covers everything except the back pack which I am still deciding on but thinking about Cypher’s or just a normal pack with standard above. I will post a picture up of the parts once they are cleaned up but before I undercoat.

Let’s see what happens!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Now and Then!

Well strange things do happen and I have indeed started to paint my AoBR SM Captain. Of course he is going to be my Crimson Fists captain and he puts me one step closer to finishing my 1250 points for MOAB (Mother Of All Battles) before October.

I also have one sergeant to mod into my Librarian by giving him a hood and some scrolls I think. It’s that or see if I have a metal one somewhere in the hoard of figures that I am slowly making my way through. With only 4 months to go firstly I hope that don’t change the army points from 1250 which it has been for the last few years I have been going without playing and secondly that I give myself enough time to finish off the army.

Funny being only four months to go and then I can start on the next 1250 army which I am guessing will either be Orks or Tyrainds. I know I can fielded more Nids than I can Orks but I want to look at some converting of the Orks .

I have some old metal Ogryn’s that I want to try converting one into my Warboss with Eavy Armour, Big Choppa and Twin-lInked shoota . I am debaiting that I would add a chained grot to the Warboss with the thought of using it as an attack Squig but will think about that. I have the AoBR Orks and a small hand full of other orks that I will have to see what I really do have, might look at the second goods at MOAB for more Orkiness.

As always let’s see what happens!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June already

Getting in time for anything anymore seems to be far from my grasp. The Month of May I was attempting to get just the Captain for the AoBR box painted and all I have managed is the undercoat him and start construction of his base. Maybe it’s the 4 hours of travel I have every week day added with work time and then weekends are catching up on sleep and playing with my son who is 2.

I know I should make time for the hobby and luckily I have started playing 1 game of 40k a month and at least 2 games of Necromunda. This I know doesn’t sound much but for me it’s a wonderful thing that my wife doesn’t have a problem with this.

No in that little rant we are into June and my goal for this month is to finish that captain, convert up one of my sergeants to a librarian and with some luck paint up my Razorback.

Let’s see how I go!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The lost month

Well around a month on from my last post and my painting has gone out the window. But I have gotten in one game of 40k at 750 points of orks against my crimson fist. There was also some games of necromunda which my game group have discided that all games will invole zombies. I will post more about that later in more detail.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A change in Plans

Well with a complete re-write of my 1250 army list to cover what I have no so much what I would like I have come to the conclusion that the army I am working on now is more than likely better than the first. The first run was an army based on drop pods and closing the distance to the enemy ASAP.

The Army as it stands now is more of a standoff and blast the enemy with long range firepower. I already have the two tactical squads painted up to as least a playable standard and a razorback undercoated. There are two Dreadnaughts almost complete and Predator to build and then lastly the devastator squad to build and paint. This being the month of May and the IVC painting challenge being a HQ choice I am going to painted up the Captain from AoBR and mod up a Librarian from another figure.

Lets see how I go!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

MOAB 2010

Well it’s almost time again for MOAB and this year I am going to play in the Tournament there at least that is the goal this year.

I had posted some picture of my Crimson Fist’s that are still currently under construction and the brush as I try with my time running out to build and relearn the game after so much time away.

Now I know it’s still over 5 months to go before MOAB 2010 but its amazing how much I just don’t get time to build and paint. Put from now on I am going to make firstly an effort to add to this blog at least once every fortnight and secondly get the 1250 point army painted to a playable level.

Let’s see how I go!