Monday, July 28, 2014

A Little Side Track

I have as you would of read been undertaking The IC Challenge and enjoying for 2014.  The first half of the challenge was to complete a 1000 point Zone Mortails force which got me thinking.  Like some gamer, not all, I am a hoarder by nature and I love to collect bits and piece. I have a few miniatures of most of the 40k armies and I have been thinking about looking at allied forces but now I am thinking Zone Mortails might be the way to go...

Now I was thinking of starting with Battle Sisters as I new I had about 20 or so and a Penitent Engine so I started going through all my boxes and little stashes and so far I am at the below list.

Battle Sisters
1x Saint Celestine
2x Canonesses
1x Hospitaller
25x Battle Sisters with Bolters
3x Battle Sisters with Flamers
3x Battle Sisters with Storm Bolters
1x Battle Sister with Heavy Flamer
1x Battle Sister with Meltagun
1x Seraphim Sister Superior with Bolt Pistol and Chainsword
1x Seraphim Sister Superior with Bolt Pistol and Power Sword
3x Seraphim with double bolt Pistol
1 Seraphim with double hand flamer
2x Penitent Engines
Most of an Immolator

Ok so I had a little more than I thought which was funny as I kept looking for other things and kept finding one or two sisters in odd places.  I am missing a few backpacks and the top of the Rhino for the Immolator but I am thinking this isnt a bad start.  

I just had to share as sometimes you really dont know what you have until you look....

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